Blogging for Better Schools

August 15th marked our blogaversary, which by the way is a real word, at least according to Urban Dictionary. Hard to believe an experiment turned out to be such an exciting project.

I started playing around with the idea of blogging after hearing several national speakers at a conference. I kept blogging because I realized it is a great tool for communicating, sharing, and organizing ideas. The blog is work…. words do not always come quickly. However, I find the work is worth it.

Blogging helps me to clearly articulate ideas. I have to really think about what point I am trying to convey while being clear and succinct.  I  use the blog to capture what occurs in meetings. Better than minutes, I can show quotes, graphics, pictures and/or videos. The posts are tagged so I can quickly reference them if needed. I find I can frequently send a link in response to questions or topics that come in meetings, which is a huge time-saver.

I absolutely could not have been convinced until I tried it myself.

“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”           author unknown

What are you willing to try?


Anonymous said…
Well, Kelly, you've set the standard and served as an example for me. I've started Blogging! But on a rival site! :--)
kemeigh said…
I wonder who "anonymous" is and what the site is??

In addition, I think blogging is an excellent way to communicate and articulate our thoughts. I have started a marriage mentoring blog. I find that the act of "blogging" helps me formulate my thoughts. I love reading the blogs of others... a new literary device!
Unknown said…
Congratulations on your blogaversary! It has been neat to see the achievements of our IU and our school districts documented in this way. Also a great tool to connect to others and get feedback!
Lori Stollar said…
As you know, I am inspired by your work and by YOU! One of my IAOs for this year will be to create a blog for our IU service area. Thanks for the inspiration and wonderful example.

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