Before, During and After….

We did an exciting program this summer in looking at the nexus of boys, reading pedagogy and the role of technology. The basic premise is if some students prefer more action based literacy activities, could technology fill that role?Nik small avatar

We came up with technology tools that could be used as Before, During and After reading strategies. All participants read the book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, by Jeff Kinney as the back drop of looking at how reading pedagogy could be enhanced by technology tools.

Before During After (focus retelling)
Multi media text sets Blog Digital story telling
  Wallwisher Movie Maker
  Flip Note Studio  

Teachers then embedded these technology tools into their Title I summer school program for 4th, 5th and 6th graders.

Check out our sample blog with embedded projects in it. Be sure to read student comments/reaction to the questions or follow the links to projects. Remember these are just a sample to show teachers how these tools can deepen student book talks and comprehension text.

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JohnBr said…
Kelly, this was a great project. The Keystone Commons Team is planning on implementing a third round of Flip Flicks that asks students to create short video trailers for books they read over the summer. This could be another example of how technology could be used "After" reading.
Kelly Pauling said…

Looking forward to more details. Another great project we can tie into this.

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