Winning Webinar

One might think my lack of webinar facilitation experience, five total, would limit the potential for profound insight…. but in truth, I think it’s my lack of experience that might be beneficial. I have no special technology degrees, no formal training in webinar facilitation. In other words, if I can do it, anyone can do it.

Here are my Lessons Learned:

  • Just do it – No substitute for experience. No amount of planning will completely remove those butterflies.
  • Use Familiar Content – New content and a new format is a recipe for stress.
  • Script it Out – I write out exactly what I am going to say. I put everything in the notes section of the PPT.
  • Team up – Work with a moderator & meet with them ahead of time. Run through your presentation, ask for suggestions on how to embed interactive activities.
  • Interact with your Audience – Every 10 to 15 minutes have an interactive activity.. Questioning – smiley faces, polling, chat box – response to questions. Something, anything to get folks involved.
  • Keep it Up – After your first webinar, do another and then another … it does get easier.

With careful planning you can transform what might otherwise be a sterile environment into an interactive and engaging learning experience for both you and your participants!


Unknown said…
As a webinar moderator, i love this blog! And i agree, don't just do it once, do webinars again and again. Eventually you will become a master at presenting using this online medium!

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