NCLB - Final Regulations Released

Yesterday, Secretary of Education, Margaret Spellings, released the final regulations to NCLB.

Highlights include:

  • Uniform formula to calculate graduation rate
  • Expand opportunities for participation in supplementary education services or SES.
  • States must re-evaluate "n" size. It must be no larger than necessary to ensure confidentiality of individuals and statistical accuracy. This could effect AYP for the 2009-10 assessment results.
  • The NCLB report card for LEAs must contain NAEP assessment results. The percentage of students at each achievement level on NAEP must be reported in the aggregate along side PSSA scores.                                                          

Click here to go directly to all 441 pages of final regulations. Go straight to page 6 for the official summary of the major changes.

Click here to view Education Week's highlights of the final regulations including information on the new requirement for all states to use the same formula for calculating graduation rates.

Click here to go to NCLB II ---- an Education Week blog dedicated to following NCLB


dbittner said…
I was reading an article contained within this topic area that states that NCLB needs to be totally revised which I couldn't agree with more. The article talks about the roles need to be reversed between the Federal government and the states (whatever happened to the Federal government leaving the decisions regarding education to the individual states???. We also need to get rid of the impossible requirement that all students be proficient by 2014. The article goes on to state that the gains made since the law was enacted are minimal (not sure I agree with that)and have created a hostile environment amongst those that are expected to enact the law. Sounds like a major overall is necessary to me!

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