Controversy Over Cursive

Twenty years ago ---- eek that's how long it has been since I graduated from high school, cursive was a given in the curriculum. Teachers used it, students had to be able to read it and write it. I can remember copying copious notes from the board in cursive. Cursive

A lot has changed in those two decades. I now reserve cursive for signing checks and other documents. I rarely find I need to read something in cursive, other than perhaps a name. Typing, however, has become an absolute necessity.

How important is cursive? With all the content that has been added, not to mention accountability.... how valuable is it? Do we need to spend time as early as third grade on teaching cursive?

What do you think?

Photo from


Anonymous said…
As a behaviorist, I know cursive is dead for many students. As a traditionalist and a wannabe artist, I wish it were still relevant. Not sure which side of my personality should win out!
dbittner said…
I don't believe the teaching of cursive handwriting takes up that much instructional time. If teachers are creative with their schedules, it can be done! If teachers would also be more efficient with the time they do have in the classroom, we will not have to lose the art of cursive handwriting. Keyboarding has certainly taken over as a priority in our schools, but what happens to our students down the road when they must take handwritten tests (I did for my Principal K-12 certification exam.....6 hours of short and long essay exam questions!)for entrance into colleges or other post-secondary educational pursuits? Certain job positions may require a handwritten response to interview questions. My teacher interviews always have. I see my cursive handwriting style as a part of my identity. What teacher hasn't been able to determine ownership of a student's work, when they have failed to write their name on their paper, simply by knowing their handwriting style? I vote to continue instruction in cursive handwriting.

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