New Services

Michelle Davis Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 welcomes our newest consultant, Michelle Davis, to the Curriculum Department. Michelle will have a unique place on our team. Her position is designed to be a blend of special education, differentiated instruction and educational technology.

The demand for this position stems from the steady increase in requests for assistive technology support for students with learning disabilities. The increase in requests coincides with advances in technology such as voice recognition, screen readers, spell check, podcasting, smart boards...etc. Michelle will help to facilitate teams, usually the IEP team, to identify barriers students have to learning and subsequent technology tools that will support student success in the inclusive setting. The emphasis will be on using technology tools already available to support student achievement. For example, last year we had a student whose disability created a barrier to conducting an oral presentation to his class. The team identified podcasting as an alternative. The student loved it. He was able to create his presentation and deliver it to his class while circumventing his disability.

Michelle will also be co-facilitating the Differentiated Instruction Technology Academy, Smart Board training, and special education law.


kemeigh said…
Michelle has been with us for a month now... and what a great asset to our team. She is bright and enthusiastic. And she is very well versed in special education. Again, welcome Michelle! We are glad you are here.

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