Wanted: Great Ideas


Over the last few months I have posted research on boys and reading. Shared some ideas for engaging all students, but especially boys in reading. These ideas included podcasts and five big ideas of reading, leveraging technology as a means to active literacy with before, during and after reading strategies, and most recently digital book reports.

Pennsylvania is fortunate to have PAIUnet, a private network that literally nearly all 500 school districts and IUs have access. It’s a safe network where students and teachers can collaborate, publish, share and interact.

We currently have access to several services and products through Keystone Commons, Safari Montage, and VoiceThread. Note some of these services have a subscription fee, while others are at no charge.

In thinking about promoting reading in boys, what other kinds of services and supports could we leverage in this private network for PA students and teachers?

Some ideas already shared have been a digital library – download books onto a computer, Kindle or Nook.

Shared project ideas i.e. a digital book report contest for all 5th grade teachers and students.

We have this powerful network – how might we leverage it to promote reading????? Please click on the Comments link below this post and share your ideas.


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