Effective Professional Development

SAW 2007 Ian Jukes 11

The February issue of Educational Leadership provides a summary of research on professional learning entitled, Teacher Learning: What Matters? by Linda Darling-Hammond & Nikole Richardson. The article is filled with great suggestions for effective professional development. The one that struck me the most was the following:

"Professional development lasting 14 or fewer hours showed no effects on learning. The largest effects were for programs offering 30-100 hours spread out over 6-12 months."

In other words the basis of effective staff development is ideally 30 or more hours of training on a single topic spread out over 6 to 12 month period.

Reflection: How does your school or district compare to this research-based best practice?


Darling-Hammond, L. & N. Richardson. (February 2009). Teacher learning: What matters? Educational Leadership, Vol. 66(5), p. 46-53.

Photo courtesy of CIU 20 Summer Administrative Workshop August 2006.


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