The Future of Libraries

Scott McLeod at Dangerously Irrelevant posted 10 Questions About Books, Libraries, Librarians, and Schools. He asks some hard questions about how technology is changing the way information is shared and stored.

I am avid bibliophile, yet most of my reading is an electronic format at this point, I am annoyed when I cannot purchase a book on my Kindle. I love libraries and book stores, but love information at my fingertips more. What does all this mean for the structure of current school libraries, information literacy and the jobs of librarians?

It is easy to discount Mr. McLeod’s questions, to push them aside or maybe even be a little angry at some of his more provocative questions. However,its been my experience we shape the future or the future shapes us. Rather than be in denial or get angry, let’s take on his questions. We want 21st century learners, let’s not be afraid to talk about shaping 21st century schools. What a great strategic planning discussion!

Check out his questions and be sure to read the comments. Additional blog posts on the topics of libraries included below.

Other Resources:

The (un)Certainty of Professional Persistence

Dangerously Irrelevant Libraries

Libraries as the Hub of Improvement

Your thoughts?


Lori Stollar said…
Thinking about the library of the future is mind boggling!! There is no doubt that digital literacy will be imperative for survival in the 21st century. Not only do librarians need to "get on board" so do teachers, administrators and school boards! Fortunately, I see many schools in our areas beginning the discussions of literacy in the 21st century. Unfortunately, the discussion is moving much too slowly. Digital literacy is passing us by. Will the purchase of laptops and ebooks replace the purchase of textbooks and library books? Most likely, yes. But it can't happen soon enough!
Loved Ever said…
Thanks for thinking about the future of libraries. nice post.
Work From Home India

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