Making Learning Irresistible

 Dr. Tim Tyson, former principal of Mabry Middle School in Cobb County Georgia, led his staff on a quest to Make learning irresistible. A quick look at the former website convinces me they were on their way of achieving their their goal with a web presence that is virtually unmatched. It’s not that Mabry had a great website, but that they effectively used their website to further their mission and vision! 

We talk about sharing examples of high quality student work.

Their website showcases exemplary student work. Check out their Film Festival to see examples of student work or go to Podcast Central and see/hear about the successes of their students.

We talk about partnering with parents.

Staff blogs share homework and classroom happenings. The parent section has its own blog filled with relevant information concerning everything from student council minutes to immunization shots and year book sales. A portal for grades, attendance and discipline was also available. The Parent Teacher Association also had their own blog.

It does not appear they depended on their parents or public to come to them to find out what they were about. Rather the website brought the school to the parents and community. If a parent was unable to attend an award presentation, they could hear from the kids at Podcast Central. Grandma is in Poland and missed the film festival, not problem, catch it online.

Is it any surprise the school won a number of awards including the George Lucas Foundation, Scholastic and Intel.

Please note: Mabry Middle School currently has a new website. Dr. Tyson retired in 2007 and with it came the decision to archive the site. Check out their new website.


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