Vision for Walkthroughs

I have been on a walkthrough kick these last few weeks. I have come to see effective walkthroughs as the connective tissue between school improvement, response to instruction and intervention, and any number of other staff development initiatives.

The software system we are using, Teachscape, provides a standard tool e.g. lesson objective, grouping, high yield strategies, student engagement, depth of knowledge etc… as well as options to customize the standard tool and create an entirely new surveys.

This flexibility will allow us to monitor core instruction, intervention programs and other initiatives.

Core Instruction Can be Monitored Through:

  • A standard tool e.g. lesson objective, grouping, high yield strategies, student engagement, depth of knowledge etc…
  • Content Specific Checklists e.g. Reading or Math
  • Specific initiative areas e.g. PowerTeaching, Co-Teaching

Intervention Programs

  • Fidelity checklists for research-based intervention programs e.g. Corrective Reading, Read 180 etc..

This, combined with the mobile application, will make it easier than ever for principals and other educational leaders to collect implementation data which can drive effective staff development, create a common language and common expectations across a school!


kemeigh said…
Classroom walkthroughs are an effective way to pull all members of a learning community together.. with a similar focus. Ownership - of all to the same goal - Classroom Walkthroughs done well and not in an evalutation tool - watch your teachers grow and your learning community unite.

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