
Curricula plus wiki = Currikicurriki

Another great find from Joyce Valenza and her amazing blog, NeverEnding Search, which is always filled with great resources and/or ideas.

What is Curriki? It is a very sophisticated wiki for teachers to upload work, share resources and create online learning communities around specific topics, even Career and Technical Education. Not only can you share work, but you can nominate work to be reviewed by master teachers. Resources are ranked as a 1 - Basic, needs a substantial amount of clean up or expansion to be used for teaching and learning, 2 - Good, can be used immediately, but may need some refinement, or 3 - Exemplary.

Curriki has over 45,000 members at the time of this posting, educators from all around the world sharing their best work. We discussed using a wiki for teachers to share work regionally, but Curriki takes the idea to a whole new level.... they're sharing globally!

Ways to use Curriki:

  • Find resources - Over 18,000 available
  • Contribute - Share your best work with the world
  • Connect - Join or create online communities on a focused topic or area.

Curriki has been named a 2008 Tech Awards Laureate. The Tech Awards is a signature program of The Tech Museum of Innovation.

All of this and it's FREE!


Kondisko said…

This looks great! The reflection time involved in doing a blog is a great part of the learning process.

See you tomorrow!

kemeigh said…
Thanks Kelly, great resource. Guess I know what I will be doing this weekend!
this is really a great resource. I hope you can post about the meeting on Friday since I won't be able to attend.

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