Who's on Your Network?

No, this isn't an AT&T commercial. I am reading Will Richardson's article in Education Leadership entitled, Footprints in the Digital Age. According to Richardson, "In all likelihood, you, your school, your teachers or your students are already being Googled on a regular basis, with information surfacing from news articles, blog posts, YouTube videos, Flickr photos, and Facebook groups. Some of it may be good, some may be bad, and most is beyond your control" (2008, p. 16).

Richardson's suggestions for building a digital footprint:

  1. Read blogs related to your interests and passions (like this one!)
  2. Participate in the blog by leaving comments and reflections (Try it now!)
  3. Use your real name (A requirement to be Googled well)
  4. Start a Facebook page
  5. Explore Twitter

Not only will you build a positive online presence, but you will also build a powerful social network!

Read the entire article for more tips and examples of students use of social networking tools and why it is a critical skill in the 21st century.

Richardson, W. (November 2008). Footprints in the digital age. Educational Leadership, p.16-19.


Will Richardson said…
Hey Kelly,

Thanks so much for linking to the article. Glad you enjoyed it!

Kirsten said…
This leads me to question how people are able to control what is being posted using their names? I have heard of people getting in trouble with their jobs for things that are posted or for utilizing social networking sites. What does anyone else think? Or do you have any suggestions?
Anonymous said…
This is at least one strategy to help students use technology responsibly rather than just trying to pretend it doesn't exist by blocking it . . . helping them to be more skilled so that they can use the technology as a tool.
Unknown said…

I have added the link above as i just read this article on the benefits of social networking for students. The article explains how technology and social networking are a way of life for them - and are actually teaching them important skills. The article goes on to explain that adults typically view the new technology as a distraction and danger.

The question I pose is this: How can we say as adults that that social networking is a distraction and danger when we have not yet tried it ourselves? Can educators really teach our youth without understanding how the social aspect of their lives is evolving?

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